My New Blogs

miathriver avatar2Hello all my followers. I have divided my blog posts out to several different blogs based on posting topics. It did not seem right to have a blog post about Homeschooling one day and then the next day have a blog post about being a Survivor of Abuse all on the same blog. Continue reading

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Covered by Sarah NoĆ«lle

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Is it Ironic?

rain-on-wedding-dayI collect songs on my DJ blog that resonate with where I am at emotionally at different times of my life. One of the many videos I have collected is Alanis Morissete’s song Ironic.Ā  I sang that son especially when all my efforts were working towards creating good in my life, yet everything around me seemed to be going against me.Ā  It all felt very Ironic, to work so hard towards a success and to continually see my success fall apart because of some outside force.Ā  Continue reading

Christene Jackman – Psalm 27

This is such a beautiful song by Christene Jackman. It introduced me to the wonderful Psalm 27. The Cord Chart and Lyrics is found here. Below are the lyrics.

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Forgiveness….By Matthew West…. and Healing.

My father is a pedophile, and he used the most sacred gift of forgiveness and repentance as a manipulative tool to abuse me and keep me under his control. His spiritual abuse of me around the words of forgiveness and repentance were so extreme that the very mention of the word caused me to be overcome with anxiety. I avoided that topic at all costs and did not want to think of it… Continue reading